
dssda     Read and memorize this nouns and adjectives.



















    That is the road to the station. My house is in this street. It is not by the station. Those stores are between it and the station. My house is here. The station is there. This is the front of the station. The back of it is in another street.

    I go to my office in a train. Trains to and from the station are frequent.

    I am with a friend. He goes with me to the station. He is an office friend.

    At the station I get tickets. That is the window of the ticket-office. I get the tickets from the man at the window. These are the tickets. I give a ticket to my friend and put the other in my pocket.

    Those men there are the station porters. My friend puts his bag on his box and gets a porter. The porter takes the bag and the box.

    A woman comes into the station with flowers in her hand and a bag and a cushion under her arm.2 In her other hand is a book. Its cover is white. Her box is by the ticket-office. Another porter goes with her and gets the box. It is a round box.

    The train in the station is not my train. It is a slow train. My train is a quick train.

    Here is my train. The back of the train is full. The front of the train is not full. The porter goes to the front and my friend and I go with him. The porter is quick and gets a seat by the window and another seat by its side. I give the seat by the window to my friend and I go to the other seat. The porter gives the bag to me and I put it across the seat between me and my friend. The shelf over the seats is full. The porter takes the box with other to the back of the train.

    The woman with the flowers comes to the door. She takes the cushion from her porter and puts it on the seat.

    A man with a flag in his hand comes to the front of the train and the trains goes.


dssda     Read Carefully, this are some sentences of the text, and here is the explanation form them.

Trains to and from the station: trains coming to the station and trains going from it.

An office friend: That is, a friend among one's colleagues at one's office.

I put the other in my pocket: The other is a short way of saying the other ticket. There are quite a number of adjectives which may be used in this way (as pronouns) when the noun they qualify is understood. We shall note them as they come in. Other is the only one that forms a plural, like a noun, by the addition of s. Note that in the plural, it need not have the, etc., before it (see with others later in text).  The compound “another” may also be a pronoun.

With flowers in her hand and a bag and a cushion under her arm: In English; possessive adjectives are used before nouns naming parts of the body in cases where other languages might use the word “for” the “or” word at all.  Note that, when a preposition points to two nouns joined by and, it is not usually repeated.

In her other hand is a book: An adverb etc. may be put at the beginning of a statement of which the operator is be not completed by a noun or adjective.

Here is my train: This order with be (subject to the condition stated above) is obligatory with here and there when they are not emphatic, that is, not used definitively to distinguish "this place" from "that place." Compare the order above: My house is here. The station is there.  The possessive adjectives are used very widely in English to indicate that a thing relates in some way to the person or persons in question.

The back of the train:  Back and front may be used loosely for 'the more or less rear portion'

The front of the train:  and 'the more or less forward portion.'


1. Describe in Basic what you see in the picture bringing in as many new words as you can.


2. Fill in each blank with one of the new words you have learned in this Step :

(a)   My train comes into the _____.
(b)   She goes to the _____ and gets a book.
(c)   His office is in another _____.
(d)   The box on the floor is _____.

3. Change the word order in these sentences.

(a)   A porter is with my friend.


(b)   A man with a flag is by the train.


(c)   Here is the station and there is his house.


(d)   The man takes a ticket from his pocket.


4. Substitute a pronoun form for the words in black print.

    (a)     The porter gives the bag to the woman.



    (b)     Here is my house. The front of the house is in this street and the back of the house is in that street.



    (c)     My friend takes the man to his seat.



    (d)     The woman goes off the road



5.   Make up sentences using:   not , at , by , of , am.






6.   Answer in Basic:

(a)   Who goes with you to the station?



(b)   Which part of the train is full?


(c)   What is under the woman's arm?



(d)   How do you go to the office?



(e)   Is your train a quick one or a slow one?
